Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Planning - The Continuity task

the continuity task is to help us practice planning, filming and editing, then reviewing and refining before we start the final product. It is going to help us know hwo to improve next time, and what our strong points our in the group, so we can use the team effectively.


we storyboarded our idea for the continuity task , which involved us sitting round together and deciding on the theme, the shots, angles and how we were going to include the tasks we were given. i have included here our drafted storyboard which we put together quickly. we adapted and changed it on location due to restrictions such as space availability. the first shot is a long shot of a man walking down a corridor, hooded. the camera pans as he turns the corner, we then got a mid shot of him opening the door. there is then another long shot of the man as he enters the room. the camera then pans him, at a mid shot distance, and tilts as he sits down. there is then a close up shot reverse shot of a conversation. and an extreme close up of the characters swapping goods. this is how it will end. the whole storyboard has been planned using an eye level angle, so we are keeping it natural. The narrative is of a man walking into a room and doing a shifty deal, as this si a simple subject to represent in a short space of time. We have marked on the stroyboard where the 180 degree line is in some of the shots, to help us know where we can film, and nto break through it, as this gives an unnatural feel.

once we began filming we realised we needed to change a lot of different aspects of the storyboards such as the shot styles and the actual storyline. we wanted to mix up some of the shot styles, as we chose very safe uninteresting ones, and wanted to use the onctinuity task as a practice of different shot we could use, so we changed quite a few of the angles and framing when were on location. We also had a problem securing the location we originally planned the stroyboard around, as we intended to start in an open corridor, which at our time of filming was filled with students, which gave overwhelming background noise, something we felt was very amateur and made the narrative difficult to understand. we then used a different location, so had to change what was happening in the original scenes, as we couldnt get the angles we wanted from the new location.

we also assigned two members of the group to write a shot list, props list, and script for the characters. the props list was minimal, as the main focus of the continuity task is the filming, and getting familiar with the equipment, rather than the content.

I was important that we planned and storyboarded the continuity task properly before filming so we were all on the same page, and aware of what our roles were. working in a team is easier when we have a strict plan to stick to.

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