Sunday, 5 December 2010

planning a schedule

this is our first plan for our schedule, although it is only a rough estimate as we cannot predict how long it will take for certain aspects of production.
Schedule for filming-
24th-Individual planning
25th-Show initial ideas - this was done, we got some feedback.
26th-Blog ideas
27th-Blog ideas
28th-Day off
29th-Lesson - we are working within the lesson here on our ideas.
1st-Put pictures of props on blog
2nd -Day off
3rd-Lesson-Talk about filming etc - we spoke as a group about our plans and how it was all coming along
4th-Day off
8th - day off
9th-Day off
10th-Get camera and start setting up - this was not possible due to extreme weather conditions around this time, we could not amke it to our location.
11th-Film at 8-9am at black park , this was still not possible
12th-Day off
15th-day off
16th-Day off
17th- Make sure blogging is complete
18th and onwards - try to film over the winter holiday period, subject to weather and availability of the group.

evaulating the schedule 27/03/2011:
we couldn't stick to this schedule, it was very optimistic as it only scheduled a few dates for filming, and things dont run as smoothly as you expect. we planned to film around the time it started to snow heavily, and we couldnt get out to our location for over a week, by the time the weather had shifted it was the holidays and members of the group were unavailable as they were off on holiday elsewhere, so we decided to film after the christmas holidays, which was unfortunate. it would have been useful to have stuck to this shcedule but it was unrealistc, we filmed on location four times in the end, and twice elsewhere, so we hadnt taken into account here how long it would take to get the shots we needed. it was very naive to think we could get everything filmed in that short space of time before the holidays.

1 comment:

  1. so what went wrong bewteen this schedule and where you are now?

    You are not evaluating?
